Marktplatz Stuttgart
Market Place, Stuttgart,
Germany - Copyright 1889 by J.F. Jarvis
J.F. Jarvis, Publishers, Washington, D.C.
Sold only by Underwood & Underwood, Baltimore, Md. - Ottawa, Kas.
Brunnen auf dem Schloßplatz
6229. Fountain in the Royal
Park, Stuttgart, Germany - Series of 1904 by George W. Griffith
Sold only by Griffith & Griffith, Philadelphia, Chicago, London,
Hamburg, Ger., Milan, Italy
Geo. W. Griffith, Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa.
Schloßplatz Stuttgart
(25) Old Castle of Stuttgart
and Column of Peace. S.E. across Palace garden to mountains, Germany
- Copyright 1908 by Underwood & Underwood
Underwood & Underwood, Publishers. New York, London, Toronto-Canada,
Works and Studios Arlington, N.J., Westwood, N.J.
Aufschrift auf der Rückseite: Those hills ahead, covered with
vineyards and forests, send down their brooks to swell the Neckar River
on its way to Heidelberg and the Rhine, eighty miles or so behind us
in the northwest. We are facing now nearly southeast. Munich is only
about one hundred and forty miles beyond those hills. Strasbourg is
at our right and Nuremberg at our left.
That beautiful column with the bronze figure of Peace on its summit
was erected in 1841 in honor of King William of Wurtemberg who did so
much to develop the kingdom by his wise administration of affairs. Those
bronze figures at the base represent the teacher, the workman, the trader
and the warrior, as those on whose faithfulness Peace depends. The palace
in which the king made his home stands at the left (east) side of this
park. The castle yonder with its towers and steep roofs rising above
the trees belongs to an earlier day, more than three centuries ago.
It is a huge rectangular structure with a courtyard in the middle. The
Obersthofmeister (Chief Intendant of the royal palace) lives there now,
and certain rooms are shown to the public as a reminder of old times
and customs. The most splendid era of that castle was during the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries. In those days Wurtemberg was a grand-duchy.
The whole country is only about as large as Wales or the State of New
Jersey, U.S.A., but its lands are rich and the industrial genius of
the people adds to its general prosperity.
If we turn so as to look from this same point towards the southwest
we shall have a fine view of the handsomest street in the city. (Stereograph
From Notes of Travel, No. 28. Copyright, 1905, by Underwood & Underwood.
King Street, Stuttgart, Germany
J.F. Jarvis, Publishers, Washington, D.C.
Sold only by Underwood & Underwood, Baltimore, Md. - Ottawa, Kas.
Der alte Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof
Bahnhof Stuttgart
L. Schaller, Stuttgart
Aufschrift auf der Rückseite: Rail road depot in Stuttgart,
arrived May 26th 1871
Schloßgarten, Stuttgart
212. K. Schlossgarten.
T. Richard, Photogr., Maenedorf, Zürichsee
Schloß Rosenstein
Ohne Aufschrift
Schloßplatz Stuttgart
Le Château de Stuttgart,