Stereo Instruction Manuals 
High Quality Xerox Copies
Reel 3-D Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 2368, Culver City, CA 90231, USA
Instruction manual copy prices DO NOT include Shipping and Handling
Stock No.
Airequipt Stereo Theater Instructions  1102
0.1 lb.
Belplasca Camera Manual  1104
0.1 lb.
Belplasca Camera Promotion 1105
0.1 lb.
Bolex 3-D Movie Attachment Manual 1106
0.1 lb.
Busch Verascope F40 Camera Manual 1107
0.1 lb.
Compco "500" Stereo Projector Manual 1108
0.1 lb.
Compco Triad Stereo Projector Manual 1109
0.1 lb.
Contura Stereo Camera Manual 1110
0.1 lb.
Coronet 3-D Camera Manual 1111
0.1 lb.
Delta Stereo Camera Manual 1112
0.1 lb.
Depthro Stereo Camera & Projector Promotions 1113
0.1 lb.
Edixa 1A (same as Wirgin) Stereo Camera Manual 1114
0.1 lb.
Elgeet Cine Stereo System Manual 1115
0.1 lb.
GA-20 Stereo Viewer Instructions 1116
0.1 lb.
Haneel Tri-Vision Stereo Camera Manual 1117
0.1 lb.
Heidoscope/Rolleidoscope Camera Instructions -1929 1118
0.2 lb.
Iloca I Stereo Camera Manual 1119
0.1 lb.
Iloca II Stereo Camera Manual 1120
0.1 lb.
Iloca Rapid Stereo Camera Manual 1121
0.1 lb.
Keystone Visual Skills Training Promos 1122
0.2 lb.
Kindar Stereo Camera Manual 1123
0.1 lb.
Kindar Hypo-Stereo Attachment Instructions 1124
0.1 lb.
Kodak Booklet "Picture it in Stereo" 1125
0.3 lb.
Kodak Stereo 1917 Model No. 1 Camera Manual 1164
0.2 lb.
KODAK 35mm STEREO CAMERA Manual 1101
0.2 lb.
Kodak 35mm Stereo Camera Parts Manual 1126
0.2 lb.
Leica Stereo System Promotional Booklet 1127
0.1 lb.
Leitz Stereoly Taking & Projector System Manuals 1128
0.1 lb.
Linex Stereo Camera System Promotion 1129
0.1 lb.
Linex Stereo Camera Instructions 1130
0.2 lb.
Lutes Stereo Film Cutter Instructions 1131
0.1 lb.
Mattey Stereoscopes Promotions-1945 1132
0.1 lb.
Nimslo 3D Camera Manual 1133
0.1 lb.
Nord 3-D Cine Attachment Instructions 1134
0.1 lb.
Nord 3-D Projector Promotion 1135
0.1 lb.
Nord 3-D Projector Instructions 1136
0.1 lb.
Nordetta 3-D Camera Instructions 1137
0.1 lb.
Owla Stereo Camera Manual 1138
0.1 lb.
Pentax 3-D Attachment Instructions 1139
0.1 lb.
Polamatic 3-D Projector Manual 1140
0.1 lb.
Polamatic 3-D Projector Promotion 1141
0.1 lb.
Polarized Light & Its Application-1945 1142
0.3 lb.
Powers Trick Stereo Attachment Info 1143
0.1 lb.
Real-Life Automatic 3-D Projector - June 1942 1144
0.2 lb.
Realist 45 Stereo Camera Manual 1145
0.1 lb.
Realist 45 Stereo Camera Promotion 1146
0.1 lb.
0.1 lb.
Realist Camera Promotion Book 1148
0.1 lb.
Realist Camera/Viewer/Accesories Promotion 1149
0.1 lb.
Realist Macro Stereo Camera Manual 1150
0.1 lb.
Realist Macro Stereo Camera Promotion 1151
0.1 lb.
Realist Stereo Projector Manual 1152
0.1 lb.
Realist ST-64 Stereo Viewer Instructions 1153
0.1 lb.
Revere "33" Stereo Camera Manual 1154
0.1 lb.
Roto-Vuer (sequential 3 D viewer) Manual 1103
0.1 lb.
Simda Stereo Camera Instructions (French Only) 1156
0.2 lb.
Simda Stereo Camera Promotion 1157
0.1 lb.
Sputnik "120" Stereo Camera Manual 1158
0.1 lb.
Steinheil Redufocus Wide Angle Lenses Instructions 1159
0.1 lb.
Stereo "50" Viewer Instructions 1160
0.1 lb.
Stereo Graphic Camera Manual 1161
0.1 lb.
Stereo Graphic Parts & Service Manual 1162
0.1 lb.
Stereo Hawk-Eye Models 3 & 4 - 1916 1163
0.2 lb.
Stereo Meopta 35 Camera Manual 1165
0.1 lb.
Stereo Mikroma Sub-Mini Camera Promotion 1166
0.1 lb.
Stereo Puck Rollfilm Camera Instructions- 1931 1167
0.1 lb.
Stereo-Tach Attachment & Projection Instructions 1168
0.1 lb.
Stereotar C (Zeiss) Attachment Manual 1169
0.2 lb.
Stitz Stereo Attachment Manual 1170
0.1 lb.
Super Duplex 120 Camera System Info. Sheets 1171
0.1 lb.
SVE Stereo Projector Instructions- 1945 1172
0.1 lb.
Taylor Table Viewer & Projector Manual 1173
0.1 lb.
TDC Project-Or-View Manual 1175
0.1 lb.
TDC Stereo Cameras & Projectors Service Instructions 1176
0.3 lb.
TDC Stereo Colorist I Camera Manual 1177
0.1 lb.
TDC Stereo Vivid Camera Manual 1178
0.1 lb.
TDC Vivid 116 3-D Projector Manual 1179
0.1 lb.
TDC Vivid 716 Deluxe 3-D Projector Manual 1174
0.1 lb.
TDC Vivid Camera Promotion 1180
0.1 lb.
Tower Model 83 Camera Manual 1181
0.1 lb.
Tri-Delta Prism 3-D Attachment Manual 1182
0.1 lb.
Tru-Vue Dealer Promotion Package 1183
0.2 lb.
Universal Stereall Camera Manual 1184
0.1 lb.
Vectographs-"How to Make Polaroid Vectograph Prints" 1185
0.2 lb.
Videon II Stereo Camera Manual 1186
0.1 lb.
View-Master "112 Ways To Use 3-D Pictures for Profit" 1187
0.1 lb.
View-Master - "Sawyer's Story" 1188
0.1 lb.
View-Master 24" & 36" Close-up Attachment Instructions 1189
0.1 lb.
View-Master "Alpine Wildflowers" Book 1190
0.3 lb.
View-Master Mark II Stereo Camera Manual 1191
0.1 lb.
View-Master Mark II Camera Parts Manual 1192
0.2 lb.
View-Master Mark II Reel Making Instructions 1193
0.1 lb.
View Master Personal Stereo Camera Manual 1194
0.1 lb.
View-Master Personal Camera Promotion 1195
0.1 lb.
View-Master Personal Camera Parts Manual 1196
0.2 lb.
View-Master Personal Reel Making Instructions 1197
0.1 lb.
View-Master Stereomatic 500 & S-1 Mono Projector Instructions 1198
0.1 lb.
Wollensak "10" Stereo Camera Manual 1199
0.1 lb.
Instruction Manual Copy prices DO NOT include Shipping & Handling.
Total the shipping weights and add to the shipping weight of the rest of your order.
Click HERE for Shipping & Handling Rates tables.
The MINIMUM shipping and handling charges apply to each order.
We suggest you order these items at the same time that you are ordering other products, so that you will save money on shipping and handling charges.

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Order by phone at (310) 837-2368, or by fax at (310) 558-1653
or write to:
Reel 3-D Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 2368
Culver City, CA 90231
United States of America

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Last modified: November 23rd, 1999
Copyright © 1998/99 by and Alexander Klein. All rights reserved.