Jasper Engineering: Photo Tools


Single Vertical Mount

A simple, non-adjustable, Vertical Bracket for use with the 8" (20.32 cm) Slide Bar, for single camera vertical format photography.

Single Vertical Mount
$25.00 each or 2 for $45.00 (plus S&H)

Fixed - Twin Vertical Mount

For twin camera vertical format stereo photography. Used with cameras which have the mounting screw hole in line with centerline of the camera lens. These brackets can be tripod mounted or used with the Interocular Bar. They can also be used in conjunction with the 16" (40.64 cm) 2 Block Slide Bar.

$79.00(plus S&H)

Adjustable - Twin Vertical Mount

These brackets have a moveable mounting screw, to compensate for the offset of the mounting screw hole from centerline of the camera's lens in some cameras. The various mounting options are the same as those for the "Fixed Mounts" as described above.

$135.00(plus S&H)

Interocular Bar - For Spacial Control

All mounts adapt to this bar and can give you an adjustable interocular separation of a maximum of 7.5" (19.05 cm) after your cameras have been mounted on the vertical brackets. The Interocular Bar is 12" (30.48 cm) long, 1.750" (4.45 cm) wide and .375" (0.95 cm) thick and is sold separately.

Please note: The Cameras and Brackets
are for demonstration purposes only!
$69.00(plus S&H)

Jasper Engineering Jasper Engineering
Tim Chervenak
1240 A Pear Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone +1 (650) 967-1578
E-Mail: Jasper31@aol.com

Member of the National Stereoscopic Association and the Photographic Society of America

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Last modified on April 21, 2001

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