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Books on 3-D Photography


The World of 3-D

The World of 3-DA Practical Guide to Stereo Photography
by Jacobus G. Ferwerda

"Every line in this book is as valid today as it was in 1982" was recently said about this book. Throughout the years many experts have called this book "The Bible of Stereo Photography".

Since its first printing in 1982, thousands of copies of The World of 3-D have been sold to stereo photographers around the world. This book has been widely acknowledged as the standard text on the subject. It still is the most complete and definitive book presently available on stereo photography in all its practical aspects from seeing, taking, and producing three-dimensional images. It starts out with information basic enough for the absolute beginner, but advances in logical steps to cover more advanced and diverse topics.

The World of 3-D sets out to answer the questions that are asked by everyone who wants to make their own 3-D pictures while, at the same time, it challenges the more experienced stereographer to think about what he is doing from new and diverse perspectives. The World of 3-D includes over 245 illustrations, many of which are stereo pairs suitable for free viewing or viewing with a simple viewer.

The Man of 3-DJacobus G. Ferwerda (1910-1990) gained international renown with his lectures with stereo projection, his publications of his own stereo research and the stereo macro camera he designed and built himself. Ferwerda's 3-D life is described in "The Man of 3-D" that comes with 21 stereo pictures on three View-Master Reels, which include highlights from his 3-D work during 1935-1980. This 3-Reel Album is a free supplement to the fourth printing of The World of 3-D.

  • Price for U.S.A. and Canada: US$ 49.95, plus Shipping
  • Price for Europe and all other countries: Please write or E-Mail us.

3-D Mounting Guide3-D Mounting Guide

A Practical Guide to Mounting Stereo Slides
by Harry zur Kleinsmiede

This book presents a compact and non-technical explanation of the basics of stereo viewing and the requirements of a properly mounted slide. A simple stereo drawing is used repeatedly to show correct mounting as well as almost every possible error.

Those who want to learn the basics without being intimidated by technical theories or complex equipment will find 3-D Mounting Guide quite direct and to the point. 

  • Price for U.S.A. and Canada: US$ 10.95, plus Shipping
  • Price for Europe and all other countries: Please write or E-Mail us.

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3-D Book Productions  
Brammershoopstraat 8   
7858 TB Eeserveen  
The Netherlands  
Tel.: +31 (599) 287245  
Fax: +31 (599) 287228 
E-Mail: harry@uitgeverijakasha.nl

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Last modified: January 1, 2014

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