So far, there have been two succesful NASA-Missions with remotely-controlled vehicles on Mars.
Mars Pathfinder (December 1996 - March 1998)
The first completed mission in NASA's
Discovery Program of low-cost, rapidly developed planetary missions with highly focused scientific
goals, Mars Pathfinder far exceeded its expectations and outlived its primary design life. This lander,
which released its Sojourner rover at the martian surface in July 1997, returned 2.3 billion bits of information,
including more than 17,000 images and more than 15 chemical analyses of rocks and soil and
extensive data on winds and other types of weather. Investigations carried out by instruments on
both the lander and the rover suggest that, in its past, Mars was warm and wet, with liquid water
on its surface and a thicker atmosphere. The lander and rover functioned far beyond their planned
lifetimes (30 days for the lander and 7 days for the rover), but eventually, after about three months
on the martian surface, depletion of the lander's battery and a drop in the lander's operating temperature
are thought to have ended the mission.
Some of the stereo photos taken during the "Pathfinder" Mission are shown below.
Mars Global Surveyor (November 1996 - present)
During its primary mapping mission from
March 1999 through January 2001, NASA's Mars Global Surveyor collected more information than
any other previous Mars mission. Today the orbiter continues to gather data in a second extended
mission. As of May 1, 2003, it has completed more than 20,000 orbits of Mars and returned more
than 137,000 images, 671 million laser-altimeter shots and 151 million spectrometer measurements.
Some of the mission's most significant findings include: evidence of possibly recent liquid
water at the martian surface; evidence for layering of rocks that points to widespread ponds or
lakes in the planet's early history; topographic evidence that most of the southern hemisphere is
higher in elevation than most of the northern hemisphere, so that any downhill flow of water and
sediments would have tended to be northward; identification of gray hematite, a mineral suggesting
a wet environment when it was formed; and extensive evidence for the role of dust in reshaping
the recent martian environment. Global Surveyor provided valuable details for evaluating the risks
and attractions of potential landing sites for the Mars Exploration Rover missions, and it will serve
as a communications relay for the rovers as they descend to land on Mars and afterwards.
In early January 2004, the first rover "Spirit" landed on Mars, with it's sister/brother "Opportunity" scheduled to arrive about two weeks later on the opposite side of the Red Planet. Both Rovers, "Spirit" and "Opportunity", have three stereo cameras on board.
A Panoramic Camera will view the surface using two high-resolution color
stereo cameras to complement the rover's navigation cameras. Delivering
panoramas of the martian surface with unprecedented detail, the instrument's
narrow-angle optics provide angular resolution more than three times higher
than that of the Mars Pathfinder cameras. The camera's images will help
scientists decide what rocks and soils to analyze in detail, and will provide
information on surface features, the distribution and shape of nearby rocks, and
the presence of features carved by ancient waterways. The camera's two eyes
sit 30 centimeters (12 inches) apart, about 1.5 meters (5 feet) above ground
level on the rover's mast. The instrument carries 14 different types of filters,
allowing not only full-color images but also spectral analysis of minerals and the
atmosphere. Each exposure of each eye produces a digital image 1,028 pixels
wide by 1,028 pixels wide. Full-circle panoramas will be mosaics about 24
frames wide and four frames high, for a combined image full of fine detail even
if enlarged to the size of a giant movie screen.
Hazard-Identification Cameras ride low on the front and rear of the rover.
The cameras are in stereo pairs at each location in order to produce threedimensional
information about the terrain before or behind the rover. Each
hazard-identification camera provides a fisheye wide-angle view about 120
degrees across. They are sensitive to visible light and yield black-and-white
pictures. Onboard navigation software can analyze the images from these
cameras to identify obstacles and avoid them. The front pair of hazard
identification cameras provides position information to help movement of the
rover's arm and placement of arm-mounted tools on target rocks.
The Navigation Camera is another stereo pair of black-and-white cameras.
Like the panoramic camera, it sits on top of the mast and can rotate and tilt.
Unlike the panoramic camera, it shoots wider-angle images (about 45 degrees
across, compared with about 16 degrees across for the panoramic camera) and
it does not have changeable filters to produce color images. Because of its
wider field of view, the navigation camera's images can give a quick full-circle
view of the surroundings at each new location that the rover reaches, requiring
less data-transmission time than would a full-circle set of panoramic camera
images. Engineers and scientists will use those images in planning where to
send the rover and where to use the science instruments for more detailed
3D-Photos from the 2004 "Mars Global Surveyor" Mission:
Rover "Spirit" |
This image taken by the hazard avoidance camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit shows the rover's rear lander petal and, in the background, the Martian horizon. Spirit took the picture right after successfully landing on the surface of Mars.
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
On the left is the anaglyph version. You can buy Anaglyph Glasses from Reel 3-D Enterprises.
Image credit: NASA/JPL, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
This is one of the first images beamed back to Earth shortly after the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on the red planet.
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
On the left is the anaglyph version. You can buy Anaglyph Glasses from Reel 3-D Enterprises.
Image credit: NASA/JPL, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
This is one of the first images beamed back to Earth shortly after the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on the red planet.
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
On the left is the anaglyph version. You can buy Anaglyph Glasses from Reel 3-D Enterprises.
Image credit: NASA/JPL, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
This is one of the first images beamed back to Earth shortly after the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on the red planet.
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
On the left is the anaglyph version. You can buy Anaglyph Glasses from Reel 3-D Enterprises.
Image credit: NASA/JPL, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
This is one of the first images beamed back to Earth shortly after the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on the red planet.
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
On the left is the anaglyph version. You can buy Anaglyph Glasses from Reel 3-D Enterprises.
Image credit: NASA/JPL, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
This is one of the first images beamed back to Earth shortly after the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on the red planet.
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
On the left is the anaglyph version. You can buy Anaglyph Glasses from Reel 3-D Enterprises.
Image credit: NASA/JPL, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
This is one of the first images beamed back to Earth shortly after the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on the red planet.
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
On the left is the anaglyph version. You can buy Anaglyph Glasses from Reel 3-D Enterprises.
Image credit: NASA/JPL, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
This is one of the first images beamed back to Earth shortly after the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on the red planet.
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
On the left is the anaglyph version. You can buy Anaglyph Glasses from Reel 3-D Enterprises.
Image credit: NASA/JPL, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
This is one of the first images beamed back to Earth shortly after the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on the red planet.
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
On the left is the anaglyph version. You can buy Anaglyph Glasses from Reel 3-D Enterprises.
Image credit: NASA/JPL, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
3D-Photos from the 1997 "Pathfinder" Mission:
Rover "Sojourner"
Photo 81429
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein
Photo 81430
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81431
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81432
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81433
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81434
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81435
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81436
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81437
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81438
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81439
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein
Photo 81440
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81441
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81442
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81443
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81444
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81445
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81446
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81447
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81448
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81449
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
Photo 81450
The Photo can be viewed both parallel (above, left two images) or cross-eyed (above, right image pair). See at the bottom of this page for a description on how to view the images.
Image credit: NASA, with Stereo Cropping and Image Enhancement by Klein |
to view the photos in Stereo?
To free view stereographs (stereo
pairs of photographs, as seen above) without using equipment, the left eye must
look at the left hand picture of the pair and the right eye must look at the
right hand picture. This is a difficult thing to do at first as you must look
at the picture almost as if it were an object thirty feet away or more. Your
eyes should not converge. They should look along parallel tracks, as far as
possible, like railway lines that meet at the horizon.
When you look with your eyes this way, it feels strange. But there is nothing
unnatural about it. All that happens is that your eyes are focused, as they
are thousands of times a day, for seeing something in the distance. However,
because the picture you are trying to look at is located only a few inches from
you, your brain at first tries to correct what it thinks is an error in your
You may learn to free view in a few minutes, particularly if you are used
to looking at "Magic pictures". Look at the pictures from a few inches away
(short-sighted people who can see the pictures clearly from a few inches without
their glasses will find it easier to free-view without them).
Look steadily "through" the picture at an imaginary object about twenty feet away, then move your head back (slowly!!). As you do this, keep the eyes steadily focused at the twenty-foot distance. If you are doing this the right way, instead of two pictures, four pictures will appear. And then the two central pictures will move towards each other, until they merge together as one picture. Now you can see three pictures and your eyes should fix on the central one, which is the 3D photo.
You can, by the way, also take your own stereo photos (although, of course, unfortunately not on Mars). Why not take 3D-photos of your hometown, office, friends and family?, this website, is devoted to all aspects of three-dimensional imaging. Please do not miss all the other exciting pages! |
Hits since
Oct 17th, 1997
Last modified on
January 7, 2004
Copyright © 1997-
by and Alexander Klein. All rights reserved.